
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Finding Your Best Look with Color Theory

Color. Designers love it. We love it. We all have a favorite. And while we'd love to wear every color under the rainbow, there are certain hues better suited for some individuals than others. Color, whether in the clothes you wear or the eye shadow you carefully apply, has a remarkable affect on your look.

The right colors can enhance your natural beauty, minimize imperfections, and give you that radiant glow we're all looking for. Choosing the wrong colors leaves us sickly, washed out, with every imperfection on full display. Gross.

The question is, how do you choose? There are thousands - even millions - of colors available, with all their subtle nuances and shades; how do you pick the hues that best suit your complexion?

Bring in Reachel Bagley, fashion consultant and author of the blog Cardigan Empire. Realizing that this is a problem for a LOT of women, Reachel created a basic chart to get you started:

To choose your look-good color palette, you have to first take a good, hard look at the colors you look best in. This isn't about what colors you like. It's about the colors that make your eyes pop, that make your skin glow, and that make your face look bright and fresh.

Starting with her four basic colors, stand in front of a mirror and compare what effects each shade has on your look (you might need a few honest friends and a glass of champagne to help*). Does brown make you light up while gray actually diminishes your beauty? Follow the track on the right. Does blue pull out the color in your eyes and make them dance like an Irish jig? Follow the track on the left. 

After you get over that first challenge. Reachel's chart shows that you'll fall into one of four color complexion categories: Cool & Delicate, Cool & Brilliant, Warm & Fresh, and Warm & Rich. You've probably heard about these before, but named by the seasons: Summer, Winter, Spring, and Autumn, respectively.

Luckily for us, Reachel also put together these charts, which explain each of the color families in more detail. So if you couldn't figure out your category using the chart, you may find it here.
Finding your colors isn't easy. And every change to your appearance - whether a visit to the salon or a weekend outdoors, can affect it.

But once you've nailed it down (or at least become adept at identifying it) - you'll have a veritable palette of look-good colors to enhance the natural beauty we already know you are. Now you can walk into a store or up to a makeup counter with confidence, not feeling overwhelmed by the selection, but knowing exactly who you are on the color wheel, and knowing exactly what will make those gorgeous eyes of yours pop and twinkle.

For more on Reachel's color theory, check out her blog at!

*We're not really sure how champagne helps the process. But it sounds wonderful. And what's better than a girly night, deciphering colors with your besties and sharing a bottle of bubbly? Case closed.

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