
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kenneth Lane Flower Necklace

Would you love to wear this beautiful piece on your wedding day?! YES! YES! YES!
Well what bride wouldn't?! How do you make this dream a reality simply book your bridal beauty services for your 2012 wedding by October 31, 2011 and you will be entered to win!

Some lucky Luxe Bride will be wearing this in 2012!! Will it be you?

Luxe Luv,

Friday, September 16, 2011

Take a Picture....It will last longer!

Today's Bridal Budgetnista Tip:


1.Find a reasonable wedding photographer. The most important aspect of this statement is wedding, if you're photographer choice has never photographed a wedding you are taking a huge chance not getting the classic wedding photos you truly want. Book your date with them as far in advance as possible, to keep prices low.

2. Visit bridal shows and preview all the albums the photographers have on display and get referrals from other Brides before making your decision.

3. Buy disposable cameras and place them at each table, at the reception. You can use these pictures to fill out your album, and the guest will have fun taking the pics.

4. Don't underestimate the power of Craigslist. You can find quality photographers at reduced prices, just take your time viewing their albums and requesting references.

Luxe Recommendation:
Jacobe Ra'Shaun Photography
Houston, TX

Luxe Luv,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eating Up the Savings

We continue this week by slashing your wedding budget. Today's tip is how to save money on the food, another major line item in your budget. Enjoy!

1. Have family members prepare the food for the reception.

2. Buy trays of prepared food from local grocery stores or places like Costco or Sam's. Be sure to by extra trays in case the food runs low.

3. Have a cake, punch, and champagne reception. Remember that late afternoon is best, so that guest will not expect a meal.

4. Choose a simple buffet instead of a sit down dinner.

5. If you have a sit down dinner, look at cheaper entrees. Chicken is always cheaper than beef or seafood.

6. Keep the hors d' oeuvre's menu simple, as they can get quite expensive.

Luxe Recommendations:

Sister's Catering in Raleigh

Luxe Luv,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Receiving Reception Site Savings

Today's Tip: How to save money on your reception site

We all know that the reception or wedding site is usually the most expensive thing on a bride's budget list. So here are a few ideas that can save money, but still give you that beautiful ceremony that you dreamed of.

1. Rent the parish hall or community center. This will be much cheaper than a banquet facility, and with the right wedding decorations, can truly be a dream.

2.Call your local parks and recreation department. Many parks have a community center for public use at a reasonable price with a beautiful setting.

3. A smaller reception can take place at a family member's home. Or if someone you know has a beautiful spacious backyard, you could have your reception outside. Just keep in mind the fees for table, chair, linen rentals.

4. Google facilities used by local community service groups such as the Lions, Kiwanis, Elks, etc.

Luxe Recommendation:

North Carolina Botanical Gardens

Luxe Luv,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cutting Florals- Not really just cutting the cost!

The Flowers:

* Be sure to choose flowers that are in season and grown locally. It will be cheaper if the flowers are easily available to the florist.

* Use silk flowers and allow a professional to arrange them, and help you pick the best ones so that they look like the real thing.

*Buy from a flower wholesaler. Caveat- they normally simply deliver the flowers & don't arrange them!

* Choose simpler, less exotic flowers or use more of the simpler ones in the bouquets and arrangements to help fill them out.

* Avoid having your wedding on or near a holiday. Flower prices will be more expensive at these times.

*Try minimizing the amount of flowers and greenery you use at the ceremony. You could save money by eliminating the use of arrangements at the end of the pews.

Luxe Recommendation: Check out the Designer of the florals in our Picture!

Faux Real Floral Designs

Lawrence, MA


Luxe Luv,


Monday, September 12, 2011

Cutting the Cost of the Wedding Dress

This week we are giving you ways in which

you can cut costs on

your big day.

6Ways to Cut Costs on Your Wedding Dress

1. Rent your wedding dress instead of purchasing one.

2.Buy your dress from a consignment shop instead of getting a new one.

3.Visit a bridal outlet store. You can usually find some fantastic bargains

without having to pay the full retail price. (Look for your veil and other

bridal accessories here too.)

4.Make your dress. If you have a sewing talent, use it! Or if you have a

seamstress in the family, have them make one for you. Just remember

that certain extravagant fabrics can get costly too.

5. Buy a bridesmaid's dress. This is a great alternative and you can usually

order many of the styles in white.

6. Borrow your wedding dress from your mom, an aunt, or a good friend.

Luxe Tip: If you are in the Houston Area,

checkout this wonderful bridal consignment shop!! or stop by ,13843 HWY 105

West Suite 103, Conroe, TX 77304/ 936-447-1047, fabulous gowns, tell

Kelly we sent you!!

Luxe Luv,


Monday, August 29, 2011

A Bride's Gotta Have It!

No it's not all just dresses, shoes, and cakes! A bride's gotta have a support system during this emotionally charged time in her life. As a wedding planner, friend or family member, especially if you are the fiance', you need to really bring your "A" game when it comes to making her feel secure and loved.

Yes, sometimes you have to give her what she wants, when she wants it, not because she's a bridezilla, but because at the base of this beautiful bride to be, she's a woman overwhelmed with 1,000 details. Weddings take a lot of work and effort, so offer a helping hand and a closed mouth is sometimes the best thing you can do for her!

A lot of the time, the various opinions of others simply make the stress level rise. So no, those black roses, don't really scream wedding celebration, but remember it's her day, help to make her happy.

Luxe Love,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

3 Steps to A Glowing "Glower"!!

Hello Luxe Loves!
Today we tackle skin! I know we've talked about it before, but nothing makes being the most beautiful you more difficult than problem skin! So here are 3 tips to keeping your features frame ready.

1. Exfoliate
Big word, little task. Simply take 5 minutes and use a natural exfoliator. This removes dead skin cells, allowing the skin to have better skin cell turnover which results in younger healthier skin on the surface. Yay! for younger healthier looking skin.

2. Wash
You're either thinking, duh! or you're thinking I never wash my face. Hopefully, you're in the first statement group. You would be surprised how many women we meet that say I don't really have time to wash my face! Yes sounds crazy now and it does when we here it! Proper face washing with a cleanser is the key to ensuring that your pores are able to breathe, therefore resulting in less blockage, aka-breakouts.

3. Moisturize
Yes I know in most parts of the country it's been 100 degrees plus hell, but your skin still needs moisture! Even us girls who are members of the "oil slick committee" still need to moisturize. Moisture keeps the skin with an excellent level of elasticity and also gives you a great smooth base for your makeup.

It doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Although there are methods that are necessary with more serious skin issues, these basics will put you on the right path to a glowing "glower"!

Luxe Luv, XOXO

Monday, August 15, 2011

Luxe Bridal Essentials Kit

Introducing the 'Luxe Bridal Essentials' Kit!

Are you a maid of honor or matron of honor, wedding planner or even mother of the bride our 'Luxe Bridal Essentials' will be there for all possible hiccups.

Includes bobby pins, bandages, kleenex, double sided tape (for that emergency hem), tide to go pen, deodorant, toothpaste, mints, mini brush set, mirror, sewing kit, and much more! Also comes in the wedding colors of your choice, only $25 plus shipping!

Email today to order yours!

For orders of 5 or more special pricing available!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just for Our Luxe Loves! Fall Wedding Advice

Fall Wedding Advice for Our Luxe Loves!

As some of you may know, autumn is the new spring. Trends over the past few years have seen a spike in wedding held during the September-November time frame. Why? Well, for starters, fall is that rare time of year where in most locations, you'll need neither a jacket or a sweat towel. The weather is just right, you won't step on your family's toes by having your wedding too close to major holidays...the list goes on, not to mention the fabulous show nature puts on each year with the changing leave colors.

Well if this summer of record-breaking temperatures has left your hair, skin and spirits fried, fear not! We're here to help you start prepping for your fall wedding to have you looking and feeling your best in no time! Here are the top fixes for summer’s beauty blunders; some you can do on your own and others with a little help from the pros.


How to Get Your Glow Back

Your dermatologist can help erase sun damage by literally shining a light on the problem. Intense pulsed light treatments (also known as IPL, Fotofacial or Photofacial) deliver high-intensity bursts of light to areas of pigment that don’t match your regular skin tone, such as red, tan and brown spots as well as tiny broken capillaries. The melanin in those areas absorbs the light, and over the next few days, the spots darken and then flake off, replaced by new even-toned skin tissue. (IPL, however, may be less effective on skin that already contains a lot of pigment, so women with darker skin tones should discuss with their dermatologist whether the treatment is right for them.)

Another option your doctor may suggest is a light chemical peel that uses salicylic or glycolic acid to exfoliate the top layers of skin, helping to slough away discoloration, fine wrinkles and coarse texture. Your doctor may also write a prescription for a topical retinoid -- a vitamin A derivative -- that smoothes the skin and evens out discoloration by speeding cell turnover. “The only caveat with retinoids is that the gain is long haul and not overnight. Give them a few months,” advises Fitzgerald.

Skin Fixes From the Drugstore

Over-the-counter retinoids are lower in strength than their prescription sisters, but still highly effective. Look for the word “retinol” on the product’s label. And while nonprescription retinoids are less likely than prescription formulas to irritate your skin, they can still cause dryness, so start by using your new cream every other night.

Other great drugstore ingredients to look for are AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acids, commonly listed as glycolic or salicylic on the ingredients list). Like the chemical peels you’d receive in a doctor’s office, these products work to exfoliate the top damaged layers of skin.

Moisture and Shine Repair for Hair

“End-of-summer hair looks dry because the cuticle on the hair shaft isn’t lying flat, causing strands to lose moisture and gloss,” says DuMoulin. A trim at a salon is the only way to get rid of split or ragged ends, but there are also deep-conditioning treatments available that help the scalp and flood your hair with moisturizers. These deep-conditioning treatments smooth the scale-like cells of the cuticle, instantly boosting shine. At home, switch to moisturizing conditioners and fake shine with a silicone spray. Silicone gives hair an instant gloss and tames flyaways while you are babying your hair back from summer damage.

Reversing Hair’s Brassiness and Blahs

After months of sun exposure, hair that has been colored often looks brassy and dull. “Women who color their hair dark brown or red suffer the most because these colors really fade in the sun,” says DuMoulin. A toner can help add some extra depth to your hue. While blondes don’t suffer from fading in the summer, too much sun “and their hair looks one-dimensional,” says DuMoulin. One solution is to add some lowlights to give your light tresses more depth.

Now that you know what to do to get your glow on, get going! It’s already August! (Isn’t 2011 going by RIDICULOUSLY fast?!?!?!)

*Tips adapted from

Monday, July 25, 2011

Introducing our Love and Happiness Contest!!

Love and Happiness Contest 2011

Ladies! Do you think you have the sweetest, most outrageous, or most awesome "I Do" story? We want to hear about it! Enter our Love and Happiness Contest! Add us on Facebook (find us at Tlg Bridal Spa) and message us with your proposal or "I Do" story in 150 words or less. The author of sweetest, most touching story will win a Love and Happiness Bare Essentuals Beauty Kit. Contest ends August 25th!! Don't delay!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

For Our Luxe Loves: Top 10 Skin Care Do’s and Don’ts for Beautiful Brides

Top 10 Skin Care Do’s and Don’ts for Beautiful Brides

There is nothing more vital to your appearance than your skin. Having flawless skin on your wedding day will be easy if you follow these basic tips. Enjoy!

1. Know your skin type. Is it oily? Dry? Blemish prone? Combination? Make sure you know this before you purchase any product to put on your face, or you may make your skin breakout, dry out, greasy, or worse L.

2. Establish a morning and evening skincare regimen. To ensure healthy skin and prevent blemishes on your big day, you should use a cleanser, a toner, an exfoliate, a moisturizer, and sunscreen. Yes, sunscreen. Nowadays, you can purchase “multi-functional” products that combine two or more of these purposes (i.e, an exfoliating face wash or a moisturizer with sunscreen. You can get these products at any drugstore).

3. Once more, ALWAYS use sunscreen on your face when getting ready for your day!!! This is so important, we had to mention it twice. Contrary to popular belief, women of races and ethnicities need sunscreen. It is a common misconception that because women of color might not tan or burn as easily as Caucasian women, they don’t need sunscreen. THINK AGAIN! While brown-skinned ladies might experience skin cancer less often, it’s far more DEADLY than when occurring in Caucasian women. The best way to make sure you get this in is by using a moisturizer with sunscreen. This is also important to prevent sun damage in the form of hyper-pigmentation around the nose, mouth, lips and eyes, which is very common in women of color.

4. Don’t pick acne or zits with your fingers! Using your fingers to do this is very unsanitary and can lead to awful scarring after the pimple is gone. You also risk infection L. In preparing for your big day, it is best to take your skin issues to a licensed esthetician or dermatologist for help. You don't want to risk damaging or scarring your skin and therefore causing further anxiety (damaged skin in your wedding pics, anyone? You don't want that!)

5. DO NOT SLEEP IN YOUR MAKEUP!!!!! We’ve all done it, but realize that it is AWFUL for your skin. Not only do you risk messing up your pillowcase, but you allowing dirt from the day into your bed, and you’re breathing the bacteria in because it’s on your pillow….it’s just nasty. Don’t do it. You are providing a breeding ground for zits.

6. Make sure to mask with one appropriate for your skin type at least once a week. You can either buy one or make one yourself at home using fruit, olive oil and sugar, or other items. Be careful not to leave it on too long!

7. Whenever applying products on your face, use light, circular motions. Be very gentle to your face skin, as it is very delicate. Be especially careful with the skin around your eyes. You should use your ring finger to apply any eye products because it is the weakest finger.

8. Know that the average woman’s skin begins to age at around age 21 (younger for some). EEK! This means that you should be using some sort of wrinkle cream or anti-aging products to prevent looking like Cruella DeVille in twenty years. Our recommendation: Oil of Olay products. They are highly effective and affordable.

9. If you wear makeup, be sure to wash your make-up brushes and/or sponges at least once a week. Bacteria, fungus and mold (seen and unseen) can and will accumulate on your tools if you don’t wash them. You can use antibacterial hand soap or dish washing detergent. Make sure they dry completely or you’ll still get mold L.

10. Know that you do not have to spend a lot of money to have great skin. We are in a recession. The drugstore is an excellent place to get great products. Many studies have shown that the higher-priced department store make-up counter products often contain the SAME if not even BETTER ingredients than ones that cost twice as much.

We hope these tips will help you get started on a skin care regimen to have you looking your best on your big day! Muahs!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Top Wedding Beauty Questions Answered

Whether you're the type who rarely dons gloss or you're a full-on beauty junkie, you're not about to mess around with your wedding day makeup. We compiled the most requested bridal beauty questions and asked industry pros for their insider tips and tricks. Here's your guide to looking gorgeous all the way to the altar.

Q. What's the best way to conceal dark circles?
A. Wedding planning been keeping you up at night? Help is on the way! The trick is to choose a concealer that is dark enough. "You're trying to counteract the blue tones around the eyes, so if you put something on that's too light it will cast a grayish tone," Damboise says. If you've got lots of discoloration or especially visible veins, prep with a color corrector like Benefit Cosmetics Eye Bright, $18, "It's a pale pink shade that works really well for neutralizing blue tones, which will allow your concealer to do its job much more easily," she adds. Follow with a concealer that's just a smidge lighter than your foundation, and don't forget the inner and outer corners of your eyes -- dark spots that lots of people tend to skip. If you're also suffering from puffy eyes, start with a product that firms the delicate eye area. Our miracle pick: Benefit Ooh La Lift, $20, Start with a skin care system that's right for your needs.

Q. How can I keep my mascara from streaking and smudging?
A. We're sure you've heard it a thousand times -- use waterproof mascara. But here's something you might not have known: No mascara is completely smudgeproof. The trick is to cry the right way. "Always allow the tears to roll out from the inner corner of your eyes and onto your cheeks prior to blotting," says Maret Asaro, makeup artist for Alcone Beauty. "It sounds odd, but it will help your eyes look great throughout the day." In other words, if you mash the tissue against your mascara, you're asking for trouble. Her cosmetic pick for weddings is L'Oreal. Try L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara, $6.99, Another tip: Apply a waterproof sealant like Alcone's Eyeliner Sealer to keep eye makeup under control, $3.50.

Q. How can I make my skin look lustrous (but not greasy)?
A. Rule number one: Don't use a heavy hand. "Place shimmer in just a couple of places so that when the light hits it, you glow," says Arianne Damboise, national makeup artist for Benefit Cosmetics. Focus your highlighter on the higher planes of your face, like your cheekbones and the top of your nose, and set with a loose powder. "Don't over powder, though," Damboise cautions, "or your makeup will look more cakey and less luminous." If your arms and shoulders are exposed, you may also want to use a hint of highlighter along your collarbones and on your décolletage. Our pick: Nars The Multiple in Copacabana, $36,

Q. How should I deal with a last-minute zit?
A. If you have time -- and really want that blemish gone -- celeb dermatologist Dr. Patricia Wexler M.D. (who also has her own line of facial care products) recommends heading to your derm for a cortisone injection. But if it's the eleventh hour, apply an over-the-counter product that contains either benzoyl peroxide or cortisone to help calm the redness. Once you've done everything you can to shrink the pimple, hide the evidence. "Use a concealer that gives good coverage," says Robyn Tamura, Director of Global Educational Strategy, Clinique. "Apply it directly on and around the blemish, then use a brush to gently blend around the pimple, not on it, so there are no streaky lines." Smoothing with a brush will also help to get rid of any crustiness (a total giveaway). A concealer that heals as it hides is perfect: Try Neutrogena SkinClearing Concealer, $7.29,

Q. How can I make my lips look fuller?
A. You don't need collagen, just a few makeup tricks. Jeanine Lobell, founder of Stila Cosmetics, suggests adding a touch of gloss to the center of your bottom lip -- over your lip color -- to make it appear fuller and rounder. (You're basically creating the illusion of plumpness.) Want to look fuller on top too? Add a bit of shimmer to the top of the lip ridge (think Cupid's bow) to give it more definition. "Try a delicate gold if you're wearing a peach or red lip color, or a pinky shimmer if you're wearing a cool or nude hue," she adds. Try Revlon SuperLustrous Lipgloss, $6.19,

Q. Should I use self-tanner on my face?
A. You could, but it's not the best idea. Unless you're a self-tanning whiz, you don't want to chance streaks or weird orange coloring. Too dark foundation could lead to a mask-like effect, so you're better off using a tinted moisturizer. Cornell's Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Dr. Diane Berson, suggests using Jergens Natural Glow FACE -- the latest version of their hit body lotion -- for a few weeks leading up to the wedding to build a hint of color naturally ($5.99, Our splurge pick: Caudalie Fresh Complexion Tinted Moisturizer, $39, If you have oily skin, you still need to moisturize your skin. Use a foundation primer to refine your pores. Try Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer, $36, Finish off your look by applying bronzer in a few places -- around your cheekbones, right at the hairline, and at the tip of your nose and chin -- to create the illusion of natural color. Start off using less than you think you need, then build up. You can always add more.

Q. How do I choose a lip color to go with my gown?
A. Take note of the color of your gown (ivory vs. diamond white), but the perfect hue depends on your skin, eye, and hair color, and your personal makeup preferences, of course. That said, you can't go wrong with a timeless and natural shade like pale pink or a sheer berry. You don't want to look back at your pictures in 20 years and wonder why you chose bright red lipstick on your wedding day. Plus, very vibrant colors require too much touching up; natural shades will wear off less noticeably. Matte lip colors tend to last longer than creams or shimmers -- and luckily, many formulas now contain plenty of moisturizing ingredients so dried-out lips are a thing of the past. One we love: Sue Devitt Balanced Matte lipstick, $20,

Q. How can I deflate under-eye bags on my wedding day?
A. This is definitely a case where the prevention is easier than the cure -- good thing you're reading this now! Philosophy Cosmetics & Skin Care founder Cristina Carlino recommends a few simple tricks to send your bags packing. Prewedding, make sure you stay hydrated -- drink plenty of water. If you can, sleep with your head elevated. And if you still wake up on the morning of with bags, place a cold tea bag (caffeinated works best) on each eye to really reduce puff. Another option: Dr. Wexler suggests using an under-eye cream that contains concentrated yeast or cucumber extract. Try Patricia Wexler M.D. De-Puff Eye Gel, $29.50,

Q. Does lip gloss require more reapplying than lipstick?
A. Well...maybe. But there are a couple of steps you can take to ensure that your gloss will stick around as long as possible. "Start with a great lip liner," says Lucy Baldock-Sacchi, founder of hip Aussie beauty line Lucy B. Cosmetics. Fill in your entire lip, then apply your gloss over it -- giving the gloss something to stick to and helping it to stay on longer. We love her Lucy B. Tinted Lip Balm (see sidebar below) and Stila Lip Glaze -- the colors go on sheer with a romantic shine. Our favorite hue, Peach, is a pretty, natural color. $20,

Q. How do I make my blush stay put?
A. Maintain that truly romantic, blushing-from-within look by layering your makeup. "Sandwiching powder blush between a layer of foundation and a thin dusting of loose powder will help give it legs," says Lobell. "It also softens the face." We love Bourjois Pastel Blusher, $13.50, Need to get the look with the least makeup possible? Minimalists should opt for a liquid cheek stain, which will give you a natural, rosy glow that lasts (and lasts). Try Tarte Cheek Stain in Blushing Bride, $28,

Q: How can I make my eyes look bigger?
A: "Making your eyes a stand-out feature on your wedding day will make your photos and videos even more unforgettable," says Lucy Baldock-Sacchi. She recommends first lightly applying foundation and loose powder as a base, then using a matte or shimmer shadow in a neutral hue. "For darker skins bronzes are beautiful and for paler skin tones, silvers look good," she notes. Highlight the inner corners of your eyes to really get them to open up. For a little more definition, use a liner in a complimentary color (think brown liner with a brownish shadow), smudging upward to soften the line and give your eyes a subtle almond shape. The finishing touch: false eyelashes, the key to making your eyes really stand out. Try Maybelline Expert Eyes Faux Lashes, $5.99,

Q: How can I keep dry skin from flaking?
A: "Start with a skin care system that's right for your needs," says Robyn Tamura. If your skin's totally parched, skip the harsh cleansers and go with one that's ultra-gentle (Tamura recommends Clinique Extra Mild Facial Soap, $10.50, "Then exfoliate to get rid of surface flakiness and also help your moisturizer penetrate more quickly," she says. Once you're all cleaned up, apply a moisturizer that's formulated specifically for dry skin to keep flakes and scales at bay.

Q: How do I keep my eye shadow from creasing?
A: According to Jeanine Lobell, "A great way to battle the crease is to apply an eye shadow base color -- it helps ground everything you apply on top of it and ensures your color won't start to move as you heat up (think dancing)." This trick will also help paler shadow colors to appear more true -- "exactly like they look in the packaging," Lobell explains. One to try: Aloette Heavenly Sheen, $10.50, If you don't want to lay it on too thick, try a shadow that's formulated for light, long lasting wear. She recommends Stila Shadow Pots, which pats on with a creamy, mousse-like texture and dries to a sheer shimmer, $20,

Q: What's the best way to deal with redness?
A: You wanted to be a blushing bride...not a totally flushed and flustered one! To reduce redness, Dr. Berson, recommends filling a bowl with a mixture that's half milk and half ice water. Dip a washcloth in it and then use it as a compress to help your skin calm down. When you're actually getting made up, use a yellow-based powder to counteract and color correct. Also, if you know you're prone to redness, avoid salt, MSG, and alcohol for the week leading up to the wedding.

Q: How should I deal with dry lips?
A: Spare your fiance your chapped kisser! To really combat chapping and cracking, do a gentle exfoliation to remove the major flakes -- rub your lips gently using a dry toothbrush -- then follow up with some TLC. "Apply an occlusive ointment, such as Vaseline or Aquaphor, to seal in moisture and reduce dryness and cracking," Dr. Berson suggests. Follow up with a good lip balm -- we're fans of Philosophy Kiss Me ($10,, which also comes in two tinted formulas. "And don't forget SPF on your lips," she says. "Sun exposure can also contribute to dryness."
Get professional makeup advice in your area from a Local Makeup Artist.

Read more: Bridal Beauty: Top Wedding Beauty Q&A - Wedding Beauty Tips - Bridal Beauty Secrets -

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

5 Stylish Tips to Walking Down the Aisle

Check out these tips by the extraordinary Colin Cowie:

Obsessed with shoes? No wonder! A sexy pair of shoes is transforming. From a plain and simple pump to an embellished platform sandal, what you wear on your feet is another detail that expresses your style.
Shoes are adorned with everything...from feathers, frills and flowers to bows and beads. Long-gone are the days when your shoes had to be perfectly died-to-match peau de soie pumps. There are no color, fabric or style rules. The only thing standing in your way (no pun intended) is your imagination. Not even your budget should limit you since you can find au courant at any price. The pair that's right for you needs to complete your look while keeping you comfortable.

Here's a list of tips that will put a sparkle in your step.

Wear your shoes at every fitting to ensure your dress is the correct length.
Predetermine if you are wearing hosiery the day of your wedding, as shoes fit differently sans hose.
If you are going to dye your shoes a specific color, bring a reference. For example: if it's your gown, request a fabric swatch from the salon; if it's your bouquet, bring a sample bud or two.
Consider your comfort as you will be on your feet most of the time. (Platforms are particularly comfortable.) Shoe pads for the ball of the foot and back of the heel can make the last dance feel like the first. It also helps to break your shoes in before you walk down the aisle. Try wearing them when you can at home for a few hours at a time.
Your feet will thank you if you pamper them before the big day. A spa pedicure with exfoliating treatments is a sure fire way to keeping them happy.

Luxe Love, XOXO

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday Morning Luxe Eye Candy!

Pronovias 2012 Bridal Show- Enjoy!!

Luxe Love, XOXO

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Journey to a A Successful Wedding Series: Entry #1

Over the next few weeks, we will be providing you with tips, links and advice to help you have the most successful and memorable wedding possible. For starters, let's make sure you have the basics :-)

For those of you planning your wedding, nothing beats having a checklist to make sure you don't forget anything. From hiring a caterer and ordering the wine, to securing your hair and makeup artists to ensure that you and your bridal party look fab, there's an awful lot to remember. Well, our friends at Wedding Wire are here to help! Go to to start your own checklist!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Be Polite to Your Vendors

Although it seems that the closer you get to your big day the more seems to happen, know that it will all be okay!! Every bride experiences stress, but how you handle it is key. Today we want to discuss not taking your stress out on your vendors. Although you are having quite an ordeal with your wedding, keep in mind that your vendors are dealing with that same ordeal with at least 10 other brides. So follow these rules to keep things cool, cordial, and smooth with vendors at "go-time."

1. Communicate, communicate. When things change let them know and allow them time to respond, knowing that you may not be their only client.
2. Be respectful. Stepping out of line with childish name calling, demands, and hiding behind friends, family or your wedding planner will not give you the result you are looking for.
3. Be definite. Yes life changes, but do your best to stick to the original request, because although vendors will try to accommodate, it may not always turn out as originally thought due to last minute changes.

In the end, the Golden Rule applies- Do unto your vendor as you want them to do at your wedding.

Happy Planning and Luxe Luv!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wedding Wire 2011 Rated

We are happy to announce that for the 3rd year we have been Wedding Wire Rated! What's this mean for you as a bride? Real reviews from real clients, uncut and uncensored! Check out our reviews at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcoming Our New NC Regional Director!!

Martina Barnett, a native of Cary, NC is quite the exquisite beauty and talent. With over 10 years experience in the beauty industry, freelancing for MAC, working fashion shows and photo shoots, and being a licensed Esthetician, she is a welcomed asset to The Luxe Group Mobile, LLC! For questions, advertising, referral member opportunities or booking weddings in North Carolina, please contact Ms.Barnett at
or 919-896-0546.

Monday, May 23, 2011

2011 Summer Bridal Season

The sun is shining, birds are chirping, invitations have been sent, rsvps have been sent, and summer brides know their special day is around the corner. Here are some examples of the popular trends we here at The Luxe Group bridal have seen this 2011 summer wedding season. Enjoy and happy planning!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Which Up-Do to Choose, When Saying I Do?!

Your hair style choice is dependent on quite a few factors. What season will the wedding be? Do you want an easy switch between ceremony and reception? What best compliments the dress? Most importantly which style do you, the bride prefer? The Wedding has a cute hair makeover tool, that may save you some time during your hair trial. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pakistani Bridal Makeup Collection 2011

We here at The Luxe Group love our South Asian brides! Enjoy these breathtaking Pakistani Bridal Makeup looks from Glamour Hunt World!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wedding Hairstyles for the African American Natural Bride

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Do I really need an MUA?

The number one question that I am asked from brides that are considering beauty treatments- “Do I really need a makeup artist?” Yes, yes and yes!! Do you honestly want some bridesmaids with red lips, others with pink, and someone with enough eyeliner for the entire wedding party in your pictures?! I didn’t think so. Most of the times brides mention that a cousin, friend or mother is willing to do their makeup for them, which is a very sweet gesture filled with good intentions. However, on your wedding day, the day that you have dreamed of since you were a little girl, you want experts at every helm. You wouldn’t hire a DJ that had only set up his IPOD play list, or get your cake from a baker who had only made sheet cakes for Sunday dinner. The same goes for your makeup.

It’s a makeup artist job to ensure you are in love with your look, unlike your cousin, who owes you nothing in this regard. Let’s face it, you’ve given her 200 other things to do, she did not have time to practice! Think about it, although there are many elements to your wedding day, what is the one element that will be the focal point…..Your Face! It will be in 90% of all your pictures, it’s what people see as you make your grand entrance, and most importantly it’s what your groom will be gazing into the entire ceremony. So ensure that you are the most beautiful you by hiring a professional to work with you on your look for that day.

The benefits of a MakeUp Artist (MUA), are many, we will just touch on a few:

1.A Makeup Artist is just that, an artist whose sole purpose is to create and contour your natural beauty to awe inspiring perfection.

2. A trial run is guaranteed, 3 months before the wedding an MUA can consult with you trying on various looks, and should take, and email you photos of the looks so you can decide on one of them, no later than 3 weeks before. Trust me you will change your mind, at least 3 times…it’s okay though.

3.Hiring a makeup artist is a great way to feel pampered without breaking the bank. Having to sit and close your eyes while someone puts all their attention and effort on you, allows you the time to sit and soak in the moment of being the pampered bride that you should be.

So in conclusion it’s your special day, ensure that special attention is given to your most important accessory….you.

For more information on booking a MUA in the North Carolina or Texas area
For other areas check out

Have an exceptional day!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Stress Free Bride is a Beautiful Bride

Stress is the one thing that all brides can relate to at one point or another during the wedding planning process. So to avoid needing those extra facial beauty treatments, relax for goodness sake! With all the planning and meshing of families it is easy to forget what got this party started in the first place, the love of two people, you and your fiancé.

Hold on to your sanity, and keep crazy family and friends at bay by taking time with the one who started it all. Remember without a proposal there would be no wedding, so take time with just you and your groom. Even if you take 30 minutes in the evening, or an entire afternoon each week, cut off the phone, do not mention your wedding, breathe, and most importantly laugh together.

A couple, who laughs together, stays together. Here are a few ideas for you and your groom’s, “Couple Time” that will not interfere with the wedding budget:

1. Listen to your mutual favorite album while sipping a soothing cup of tea or your favorite bottle of wine. Music is a great way to relax, releasing those happy endorphins, while bringing back all the good memories you have had together when listening to it in the past.

2. Take a drive. Sometimes it’s the simple things that relax the mind, not to mention it will take you away from the TV, phone, and unwelcomed visitors.

3. Play a board game, there’s nothing wrong with healthy fun competition. You know you’re going to beat the pants off him in Monopoly anyway!

Have an exceptional day and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wise Brides Pass on Their Beauty Wisdom

Daily researched thousands of brides and compiled the top 15 bridal beauty tips from some pretty wise brides. Get prepped and ready for the bridal beauty marathon with these tips!

Stash baby wipes in the bathroom to freshen up. "I was literally dripping sweat down my back I was dancing so much! I was having fun, but it's not so elegant when someone goes to give you a hug. I used baby wipes to freshen up. They're also great for getting out stains in a pinch without leaving a big ring like water can."
-Vanessa O'Malley, full-time mom, Summit, NJ.

Dirty hair is the secret to a long-wearing updo. "I have super fine hair that doesn't like to stay in an updo. I didn't wash my hair for four days before the wedding so it was slightly greasy. This gave my hair some grip and it stayed in place all night!"
-Alyssa Dineen, fashion stylist, New York, NY.

Do a trial run, even if you don't hire a pro. "Prior to my wedding, I had a friend create a smoky-eye look on me. In my opinion it looked too dark, but after wearing it for a while, I got used to it and it really looked nice! If I hadn't had a run-through, I would have been freaking out on my wedding day! After seeing my wedding day pictures, I was really glad to have gone with that look."
-Tammy Gibson, author of A Mom in Red High Heels, Redlands, CA.

Don't stray too far from the real you. "Experiment with different hairstyles, but then choose the one you are most comfortable with, the one that is most you. You don't want to look back at photos of the special day and wonder "who is that?"
-Kim Van Dang, branding consultant and founder of KVD NYC, New York, NY.

Reduce pre-wedding jitters with a personal spa ritual. "Make sure to pick one beauty regimen that is personal to you, like taking a nice and relaxing bath,"
-Marta Walsh, editor,, Scottsdale, AZ.

Splurge on a makeup pro. "I kept my hair very simple and did a simple chignon myself since it was going to be hidden by the veil anyway. I invested more time and energy into my makeup look. I did a trial run with a professional makeup artist keeping in mind how it would look in wedding pictures. To this day, I've never looked better in photos makeup wise, and I still use the tricks the makeup artist taught me."
-Stephanie Smirnov, President, DeVries Public Relations, New York, NY.

Make sure your touch-up kit has all the right colors. "I didn't own the makeup shades my makeup artist used, so she gave me the lipstick, lip gloss and eyeshadow. Not all makeup artists do this, so make sure to ask yours. You don't want to realize later on during your wedding that you don't have the right stuff for touch ups."
-Karen Bierman Hirsh, full time mom, Greenwich, CT.

Don't O.D. on blush. "My makeup artist didn't use a lot of blush for my wedding look because she said my cheeks would be flushed all night and then I'd be too red in person and pictures. And she was totally right! My make up looked gorgeous all night!"
-Alix Campbell, Photography Director, Marie Claire Magazine, New York, NY.

Go for waterproof mascara. "I made a huge mistake at my own wedding. I wept like a baby and had black track marks in some of my pictures (before my sisters pulled me into the bathroom for some damage control). I love Lancome Hypnose Waterproof Custom Volume Mascara because it makes lashes look super-lush, and comes off easily with eye makeup remover."
-Tia Williams, author and beauty blogger, Shake Your Beauty, Brooklyn, NY.

Not a fan of waterproof mascara? "I used a lengthening and curling mascara first to help build my lashes, and then added an additional coating of waterproof mascara at the very ends, which also helps hold the curl in lashes."
-Bailey Clark, writer, Makeover Momma, Staunton, VA

Don't rush to remove your veil. "If you decide to wear a veil on your wedding day, wear it for the entire day - from your walk down the aisle until the end of the reception. A veil is that one element that transforms you from a woman in a white dress into a bride. Looking back at my wedding photos, I wish I hadn't been in such a rush to take off my veil and show off my hair. I much prefer the photos of me wearing the veil; they have a much more romantic quality."
-Daneen Baird, writer & editor of Spoiled Pretty, Philadelphia, PA.

Get your brows groomed by a professional. "I did my own make up and had my hair styled in a simple french twist, but what really made me look polished was a professional eye brow shaping. I had my brows done a few days before the wedding so they wouldn't look red or bumpy on the big day. It made such a difference in photos to have perfect brows!"
-Jennifer Cattier, corporate lawyer, New York, NY.

Avoid bold nail polish. "Your hands will be on stage for the entire day---signing the certificate, showing off your rings, shaking hands---you'll want them looking pretty and feminine. I made a huge mistake on my wedding day by painting my nails BURGUNDY and now I cringe every time I look at my wedding pictures. My hands jump out and scream "bad trend!" in every photo. Do yourself a favor and choose a pretty pale pink or nude for your wedding day manicure."
-Erika Valente, editor of Makeup Bag, Reno, NV.

Reduce your sodium intake. "A few weeks before my wedding, I cut out salt from my diet. In just a few days, the eye puffiness was gone and I could see a big difference in the contours of my face."
-Mina Pontarelli, Team, New York, NY.

Layer your makeup for ultimate wearing power. "Alternate lipstick with pressed powder, keep face makeup in place with makeup primers, line fillers, and setting powder -- these all help to ensure your makeup lasts for as long as you want it to!"
-Christine Mielke, editor, Temptalia, San Jose, CA

Have an exceptional day brides!